Young People
Guide to Accessing GP Services for Young People (13 to 16 years old)
This leaflet is for you if you’re under 16. It explains that anyone who looks after your health has to keep information about you private. This may be doctors, nurses, pharmacists or other health workers. The leaflet tells you only about how things work in the health service, not other organisations such as your school or social services. If you want to talk to a health worker about something personal, they must keep this information confidential, even if you are under 16. This may be information about:
• Sex
• Relationships
• Pregnancy
• Contraception
• Drugs & Alcohol
• Feeling Down

Information for young people aged 11-18
How we can help
If you're going through a difficult time or are struggling with how you're feeling, it can be really scary and upsetting.
Whatever you're feeling right now, we're here for you. We have information and advice so you don't have to go through it alone.
Young Carers - Carers Trust
A young carer is someone aged 25 and under who cares for a friend or family member who, due to illness, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction, cannot cope without their support. Older young carers are also known as young adult carers and they may have different support needs to younger carers.

Gateshead Sexual Health
Sexual Health Services for people living in Gateshead are delivered by South Tyneside NHS Foundation Trust. The service provides contraception and sexual health screening/testing, treatment and follow up. All forms of contraception are available from the majority of clinics, with some clinics specifically for under 25’s.
Streetwise Young People's Project
Young People can access a range of free Support, Information and Advice in an informal, safe, confidential, non-judgemental space. Our Services include Advice, Information and Guidance, Counselling and Emotional Wellbeing Support, Youth Work and Outreach Activities, and Relationships & Sexual Health Services.
All Streetwise Services are Welcoming, Respectful, Confidential, Flexible, Young People Friendly and Accessible.
If you need somewhere to go for Help, Advice or just someone to listen to you, Streetwise is here for you. You can talk to us about any questions, worries or issues that may be bothering you, our services are free, friendly and above all Confidential.

Free Online Condom Scheme
If you are aged 16 or over and live in Gateshead or South Tyneside you can order free condoms direct to your door.
Sexual Health Services 4 Newcastle
Online services are available if you have no symptoms or mild symptoms of a sexually transmitted infection (STI).
If you have symptoms of a sexually transmitted infection or require complex emergency contraception (such as a coil fitting) please call us on 0191 229 2999 between 08:30 and 10:30 daily.

Gateshead Talking Therapies - Emotional Wellbeing Team
Support for 4-18 year olds
The Emotional Wellbeing Team (0191 2834560) is provided by South Tyneside NHS Foundation Trust and is a team of health professionals who work with children and young people aged between 4 and 18 years old experiencing difficulties, which may include:
- Behavioural difficulties including low mood, anxiety and depression
- Bereavement and loss
- Bullying
- Eating distress
- Relationship difficulties
Young People’s Hub
This page aims to be a safe space for young people with additional needs in Gateshead to access relevant information and express their views and experiences of growing up in the area.

Contraception Guide
Whatever questions you have about getting and using contraception, this guide can help.
It aims to give practical information to everyone who wants to know more about contraception, or who may have a question about the method they use or are thinking about using.
You can find out about the different methods available on the NHS, together with where to get them and how to decide which method might work best for you.
Daisy Chain
Daisy Chain support and empower autistic and neurodivergent individuals through the provision of holistic person-centred services, whilst promoting training, wellbeing, inclusion and acceptance regionally and nationwide.
Click here for more information

Health + Care Youth Academy
Are you 13-18 years old?
Join the youth academy for a week packed full of actitivies and oppourtunities for young people to find out more about health and care careers.